08 March 2012

Nirvanic Marketing

Give birth to a thought that preempts all other thoughts. The goal is to achieve nirvana.

An incomplete nirvana to be sure, but a form of immediate or instant gratification. In marketing terms, this instant gratification impulse, or thought, is the goal.

By making the reader/viewer stop on a dime and buy your product or service.

Doing a good job, a fantastic job, of marketing to the nirvanic impulse means being totally honest and transparent about that which you are selling. The transparency of your efforts must be completely honest. You must completely believe in the product through experience, otherwise the viewer will instantly see through the effort and click away.

06 March 2012

Curating Content

Content curation, or maintenance, is more important for regular web sites than it is for blogs sites. Why?
Even though you may use a content management system (CMS), the content for the main “static” pages can become dated.

Blog are more “news” oriented so the expectations of readers is lower. The older the content is, the less likely it is to be read. Back links to earlier posts are less newsworthy.

Maintaining a blog, however, is sometimes necessary to keep a theme, or idea, moving over a long period. Series of articles, or a contest, may need to be updated to remind and update readers as to the happenings since they were written.

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